Tag Singapore

E-commerce scams (Online Purchase/Sales scams)

E-commerce scams are fraudulent activities that occur on online purchasing platforms. Scammers trick victims into making payment for online purchases that do not get delivered to them, including tours, concerts, attractions tickets. Examples of E-commerce scams include card testing fraud,…

Government official impersonation scams (Macau scams)

A government impersonator scam often starts with a call, email, or text message from someone who says they’re with a government agency. They might give you their “employee ID number” to sound official. And they might have information about you,…

Kidnap scams

Kidnap scams are a type of scam where scammers make a phone call to a victim and tell them a loved one has been taken. Threats of violence soon follow, unless a ransom—typically in the form of a wire transfer—is…