

Rail Corridor

The Rail Corridor is a 24-kilometer-long former railway line that stretches from Tanjong Pagar in the south to Kranji in the north of Singapore. It was built in 1903 to connect Singapore with the rest of the Malay Peninsula. The…

Pulau Ubin

Pulau Ubin is an island situated in the northeast of Singapore, to the west of Pulau Tekong. It is a popular haunt of nature lovers and day trippers unwinding from the bustle of the city. The island is home to…

Bukit Batok Hillside hiking trail

Starting Point Bukit Gombak MRT Station Little Guilin Little Guilin is a man-made park in Singapore that was once a granite quarry. It is located in Bukit Batok Town Park and is known for its limestone rock formations that rise…

Dairy Farm and Bukit Timah hiking trail

Starting point Hillview MRT Station Dairy Farm Nature ParkDairy Farm Nature Park is a 63-hectare nature park located in Upper Bukit Timah, Singapore. It is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including over 1,000 species of plants,…

Singapore hiking, cycling, and sightseeing routes

Although Singapore is a small country without mountains, there are still some hiking spots in the city, ranging from easy to challenging. Some popular hiking trails include: Bukit Batok Hillside Nature ParkBukit Batok Hillside Nature Park is a hidden gem…

Southern Ridges

The Southern Ridges is a 10-kilometer (6.2 mi) long park connector system that links Mount Faber Park, Telok Blangah Hill Park, HortPark, Kent Ridge Park, and Labrador Nature Reserve in Singapore.The Southern Ridges is a popular spot for hiking, cycling,…

Keppel Hill Reservoir Trail

Keppel Hill Reservoir Trail is one of the trails in Mount Faber Park. It is less than 1km long and takes 1 to 3 hours to complete.Starting point Seah Im Carpark or Keppel Hill, suggest entering from Seah Im Carpark.…


吴哥窟是柬埔寨的一座寺庙建筑群,也是世界上最大的宗教纪念碑,占地 162.6 公顷。 它最初是为高棉帝国建造的印度教毗湿奴神庙,12世纪末逐渐转变为佛教寺庙。 它由高棉国王苏耶跋摩二世于 12 世纪初在高棉帝国的首都雅首陀罗普拉建造,作为他的国庙和最终的陵墓。 吴哥窟也是世界七大奇迹之一。但是暹粒的下午很热,所以我每天下午都安排回酒店休息。 第一天上午9:30左右到达吴哥窟,入住酒店,直接去购买吴哥窟门票,我们以62美元购买3天通票,开始参观。 一开始我们打算第一天去参观Small Circuits,但由于时间不够,我们只能参观吴哥窟和巴戎寺。 我们下午回到酒店以避免吴哥窟午后的阳光。 我们再次出来在 Meric Khchei Khmer Cusine 吃晚餐。 他们提供非常好的春卷。 他们的气氛非常好。 晚餐后前往柬埔寨马戏团Phare观看马戏表演。 我个人很喜欢这种马戏表演,甚至表演都很普通。 第二天,我们出发去吴哥窟看日出,Ta Prohm开始我们的旅程,然后是Grand Circuits,Banteay Kdei,Pre Rup,East Mebon,Ta Som,Neak Pean,Preah Khan跟随Angkor Thom(Baphuon,Phimeanakas,皇宫,Terrace of the Leper King、Preah Palilay、Tep Pranam 和 Prasat…

5D4N Cambodia-Siem Reap

Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world, with the site measuring 162.6 hectares. It was originally constructed as a Hindu temple of the god Vishnu for the Khmer Empire, gradually transforming…


Batam is the largest city in the Riau Islands Province of Indonesia, across the Strait of Singapore, the third-largest city in Sumatra region after Medan and Palembang, and the eighth-largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta Raya, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Semarang,…