Money Mule scams (Nigerian letter scam)

A money mule scam is a way to launder money obtained from illegal activities by using a third party to transfer it through their personal bank account or other methods. The third-party may be unaware of the source of the money or maybe lured by online dating, work-at-home jobs, or prizes. This scam can expose the third party to legal trouble.

The Nigerian letter scam is a type of advance fee fraud scheme. The scam involves a sender offering a commission to someone via email to help transfer a large sum of money. The scam artist poses as a business owner, lawyer, banker, or foreign government official needing assistance to move money from their country. The commission offered is usually enticing enough to compel recipients to send thousands of dollars to a stranger.

Be careful when you receive unsolicited emails or letters asking for your help in transferring money. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t respond to these emails or letters and don’t send any money.

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